There is a gift that gold cannot buy
A blessing that's rare and true
That's the gift of a wonderful person coming into my life
Like I have in you! Happy Birthday!

anyways, here are some photos during my KL trip. yeah the trip was fun. Kenny Rogers, Subway, Carl's Junior, Manhattan Fish Market.. damn, all those are halal in Malaysia and i sometimes wish i live there, BUT, considering the traffics, systems, maintenance and politics (ceyy!) i am so glad that i live in Singapore and so proud of being a Singaporean!! majulah Singapura! k stop it and no, being patriotic is NOT my new year's resolution!
ahh, talking about new year, yeah 2010 is just around the corner and i havent think of any new resolutions coz the fact is, i could never stick with any of them! guess what happened to my 2009's resolutions.. though i managed to attain some of them, but MOST (like 98.5%) of them went down the drain! so my 2010's resolution is 'no specific resolution, just go-with-the-flow'. yeahh that's more i like it, go-with-the-flow~
what the heck...?! how did i end up with all these resolutions thingie where initially i was talking about my trip..? ughh! okea here goes the holiday trip's photos.. the whole album will be uploaded on facebook soon :)
Kuala Lumpur!
hotel's lobby that we were staying in
guess what, my dad was one of them! so mature!
our hotel's swimmingpool
DAY 2: shopping at Masjid India
buffet breakfast at the hotel
DAY 3: Sunway Theme park and Lagoon
this ride left us drenched!
LAST NIGHT IN KL: karaoke at the hotel lounge
goodbye KL~