i had a wonderful weekends last week
SATURDAY was like a 'sister-day-out' as i went to the IT Roadshow in the morning with my sis to get myself a hard disk for school. Yeah, the pink one ;-)

in the evening, we watched New Moon. not excellent but a good movie. worth the 8bucks. k im not gonna spoil the surprise for those who havent watch yet..
on SUNDAY, mom woke me up at 5 in the morning
me: what? it's only 5. waktu Subuh pon blom masok..
mom: bangun gi mandi cepat. lepas tu siap, kte nk gi kampung.
me: what? what? what?
mom: KAMPUNG! kampung nyayi kt Johor tu.. dh cepat bangun!
i was partially shocked, partially excited, partially sleepy
3 in 1 feeling yaww! hahahaa
okea let the pictures do the talking...