24 June 2009

let's roll !

TODAY was Enterprise module. surprisingly, we kinda enjoyed it. halfway through the class, the fire alarm was activated and we were instructed to evacuate the building immediately. the announcement was bloody irritating, “Emergency has been detected. Please evacuate the building immediately”. it went on and on. that time, we were in the middle of class discussion. unexceptional, we quickly packed our stuff and assembled at the directed place. 15mins later, there was another announcement - the whole thing was just a fire drill exercise. what the..?! annoyed, we went back to class. ughh~

ONE more thing about school, from tomorrow onwards till next wednesday, RP will be doing
e-Learning; all lessons will be delivered and conducted online. this means that we will learn from home, instead of coming to classes in RP. why? BECAUSE WE ARE CURRENTLY BEING QUARANTINED. 2 (or 3 if im not mistaken) unfortunate students, caught the h1n1 virus. So that’s why.

he's a MatRep. im an AhLian

AS planned, after school 10 of us went to CauseWay Point for Transformers 2. that explained the freaking long tickets. yes, there were 10 of us. we conquered the whole row. our slot was fully occupied. luckily we booked online the day before that. we were informed that the movie duration was 2hr 30mins. neither of us wanted to starve to death during the movie, so we sneaked in alot of outside food and snacks. how’s the movie? BRILLIANT! EXCELLENT! WONDERFUL! MARVELOUS! SUPERB! AWESOME! need to say more? i wont tell how the movie goes on. i don’t wanna spoilt the surprises to those who haven’t watch it yet. all i can say is, it is worth-watching. my sis planned to catch the movie this weekend with the rest of my family. watch it for the 2nd time a week? i really don’t mind.

THE movie ended at 7.30pm. all those snacked still couldn’t keep us full. so we had our dinner at Pastamania. pasta, cheese, pizza, cheese and cheese.. oh heaven!
THE clock showed 9+pm already and we still wanted to stay longer. unfortunately we had daily assignments that needed to be done by midnight. thus, we decided to call it a day and headed home..

p/s: all pictures have been uploaded on my Facebook =) Click Here !

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