(equivalent to 1000 millions = $ 1,000,000,000)
u will need to spend $27 397 every day for 100 years to finish spending every cent..!
holysh*t!! that's how much a billion worth!
holysh*t!! that's how much a billion worth!

resources retrieved from; http://www.billgatesmicrosoft.com/networth.htm
woww! if i were to have that much money, i would fly to Utah every single day to visit my family-in-law; Archie's fam. awww aint i the sweetest daughter-in-law..? archie would be so proud of me! HAHAHAHAHA! then, i would get myself a jamming room, furnished with all the music instruments that u could find in this world! and of course, i would get myself a gaming room, fully equipped with Xbox 360 and all kinds of games. shooting and fighting ones especially, please! oh yeah, i wouldn't mind donating generous amount of my assets to the prevention of animal cruelty organizations. especially to help those poor stray kitties...
okea enough of this dream!
but one thing for sure that money cant buy, no matter how filthy rich u are, u will not and never can afford to buy
a wonderful and blissful friendship that i have with this charming people...

alhamdulillah 'alaa rahmatiika ya Rabbi
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