after my weekend religious class, Ryena fetched me & off we went to WakTanjong's Maulid
it's more like a re-union for me as i met alot of my friends, former juniors & seniors..
ate nasi briyani. yes it was damn delicious!
den we headed to McDonald's. as promised, she treated me McFlurry =)
& she made me did her english compo! udang disebalik batu! hmpff~!

i was being bullied!
at 3pm, she had to rush to tusyen, & so i re-united with my babes & dudes.
during the prize-giving, kte buat kecoh!
during the prize-giving, kte buat kecoh!
bile tym bace doa penutup & selawat, satu2 klua! haiz~ ape nk jd bdk skarang nie..?!
tkpe aku sindir diri aku sendiri. & sape2 yg makan blacan tu, de terasa bacin nye ey..
initially we planned to go to Geylang coz kakFash kempunan cendol.
but neither of us wanna die early & take the risk of eating at a contaminated place.
den LauPaSat came to our mind. too far~
finally, we all agreed; AIRPORT!
haha of all places huh..

a.k.a The Gay Duo
abgWan kicked me & so i kicked & punched him. take that!
we're happy family =)
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