04 February 2010

let me talk!

basically, my weekend was filled with shoppings :)

on Saturday, met him after his work and headed to Orchard as Atep wanted to go shopping for a friend's birthday present. First stop was ION, then to Wisma Atria and then to The CentrePoint. Next was to Tang Plaza, followed by Paragon and The Heeren. That's not all, we then went back to Wisma Atria and ION. The shoppings and walking made us hungry. at 10pm, traveled back to Pasir-Ris and had our supper at McDonald. by 11pm, we called it a day and headed home :)

on Sunday, started off with little shopping with my sis at CityLink Mall then met up with the rest of my family members and off we went for Avatar. Yes i watched Avatar again for the 2nd time in a month but NO, this time i didnt drop the popcorns and no more snapping-angmoh. lol. After the movie, had another shopping spree and my sis was being nice and bought me a Mango bag :)

Monday was another awesome day! Something worth remembering happened between me and you-know-who at school. i've never been that happier! k i dont wanna brag.. Anyway, after school, met-up with my beloved babes and dude at Tampines. lepak. ketawa. makan. ketawa. bobal. ketawa. ketawa. KETAWA. basically, the day was filled with laughter. good times surround me :)

good times seem dont last that long
tomorrow is my LAST lesson for my 2nd sem of 1st year...
u know what that means?
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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