upon seeing it, i excitedly exclaimed to Aisah who was sitting next to me,
"eh the Chingay is on 27 Feb from 7 to 11pm uh. jom pegi!" *excited face*
Aisah: 27 Feb kn nari. *looking at me blankly*
Me: ouhk. eh?
we looked at the watch and it was 15mins to 11pm already
Me: k forget it -_-"
yeah earlier that day, went to a gig organized by 4PM at bedok since my frens were performing. as expected, Dian (vocalist) and Alif (guitarist) did well and the crowd loved them as they sang along and cheered hard, including us ;-) proud of them!
but initially, we were kinda pissed off with the performance timing slot. previously said, Dee and Alif's slot was at 8.15pm. then it was changed to 9.15pm (wth) and upon registering, it stated that their performance would be at 9.30pm instead (WTH!).
met some of my long-time-no-see friends and met new people. overall, yesterday was a blast! check out Dee's blog for the video.
oh yeah and u noe what, the gig started at 6.30pm but at 7pm till 7.30pm, they stopped for awhile in respect to waktu magrib and let the people solat magrib first. awesome kn gig mcm gitu?! if only the annual Baybeats gig does this,

"eh the Chingay is on 27 Feb from 7 to 11pm uh. jom pegi!" *excited face*
Aisah: 27 Feb kn nari. *looking at me blankly*
Me: ouhk. eh?
we looked at the watch and it was 15mins to 11pm already
Me: k forget it -_-"
yeah earlier that day, went to a gig organized by 4PM at bedok since my frens were performing. as expected, Dian (vocalist) and Alif (guitarist) did well and the crowd loved them as they sang along and cheered hard, including us ;-) proud of them!
but initially, we were kinda pissed off with the performance timing slot. previously said, Dee and Alif's slot was at 8.15pm. then it was changed to 9.15pm (wth) and upon registering, it stated that their performance would be at 9.30pm instead (WTH!).
met some of my long-time-no-see friends and met new people. overall, yesterday was a blast! check out Dee's blog for the video.
oh yeah and u noe what, the gig started at 6.30pm but at 7pm till 7.30pm, they stopped for awhile in respect to waktu magrib and let the people solat magrib first. awesome kn gig mcm gitu?! if only the annual Baybeats gig does this,

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